Too many products look like they were designed by men in Silicon Valley for men in Silicon Valley, says one wearable tech CEO. The people in real life who wear Nike Fuelbands, Jawbone Ups and Fitbits may not be models, but they tend not to be the people most in need of extra fitness motivation. So how do you get the less-fit masses to join the fitness-tracking bandwagon?
According to a new report, Apple has been bringing on board experts in sensors that monitor the human body. Here’s how that could play into the company’s “iWatch” effort.
There’s a significant shift going on in how health care is delivered today, due to several key developments:
Payment models that reward providers for patient outcomes rather than traditional, per-procedure methods or number of visits;
The imposition of penalties for hospital readmissions; and
The rapid adoption of smartphone and sensor technologies.
Health sensing technologies, data analytics and visualization tools enable continuous monitoring and assessment of patients anywhere at any time. These technologies have the power to decentralize health care by challenging traditional delivery systems currently centered around hospitals, clinics and physician offices. Such technology engages patients and caregivers by providing them with the most timely, actionable and relevant data at point-of-patient – the home, office or wherever the patient is located.