Recent research has revealed the current scale of smart home product adoption in the United States.
90 percent of U.S consumers now own some form of smart home device. This shows the IoT is well-and-truly reached mass adoption in the consumer space.
Other key findings include:
Over 90% surveyed have made a purchase of a connected home device
Nearly 70% already have a voice-controlled system such as an Amazon Alexa or Google Home
58% percent of people who own a connected home device are concerned about how it may impact their privacy
74% of respondents think connected home devices are the wave of the future
Over 30% who do not have a connected home device plan to make a purchase within the year
Company that conducted the research surveyed over 1,000 consumers in the U.S for its report. The company says it covered a wide range of demographics and was distributed proportionately across the country.